Office of Student Life

Host an Event

Why plan your event with the Ohio State University - Events and Conferences?

Our event planning services are comprehensive. Whether you have an idea you'd like to bring to fruition or need event planning services from concept to execution, our experienced and talented team of professionals is here to make it happen from pre-arrival to departure.

In addition to our highly skilled team, we have a variety of spaces across campus to meet the needs of any event type. Whether hosting a gala in the ballroom at the Ohio Union, creating something in one of the North District Event Spaces, hosting a rock-climbing tournament at the Adventure Recreation Center, or holding a barbeque on the iconic South Oval, we have the options to make your camp, conference, or event one to remember.

Our services are available for students, university and external clients for any type of event you can imagine. Let our seasoned team take the stress out of planning so you can enjoy your event, worry-free.

Our Venues